class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Module 1: Hospital Pricing and Selection on Observables ] .subtitle[ ## Part 3: Hospital Prices and Penalties ] .author[ ### Ian McCarthy | Emory University ] .date[ ### Econ 470 & HLTH 470 ] --- <!-- Adjust some CSS code for font size and maintain R code font size --> <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 30px; padding: 1em 2em 1em 2em; } .remark-code { font-size: 15px; } .remark-inline-code { font-size: 20px; } </style> <!-- Set R options for how code chunks are displayed and load packages --> # Penalized hospitals ```r <- read_rds(here("data/HCRIS_Data.rds")) <- %>% mutate( discount_factor = 1-tot_discounts/tot_charges, price_num = (ip_charges + icu_charges + ancillary_charges)*discount_factor - tot_mcare_payment, price_denom = tot_discharges - mcare_discharges, price = price_num/price_denom) final.hcris <- %>% ungroup() %>% filter(price_denom>100, !, price_num>0, !, price<100000, * beds>30, year==2012) %>% mutate( hvbp_payment = ifelse(,0,hvbp_payment), * hrrp_payment = ifelse(,0,abs(hrrp_payment)), * penalty = (hvbp_payment-hrrp_payment<0)) ``` --- # Summary stats Always important to look at your data before doing any formal analysis. Ask yourself a few questions: 1. Are the magnitudes reasonable? 2. Are there lots of missing values? 3. Are there clear examples of misreporting? --- # Summary stats .pull-left[ ```r summary($price) ``` ``` ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's ## -123697 4783 7113 Inf 10230 Inf 63662 ``` ```r plot(density($price, na.rm=TRUE)) ``` <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r summary(final.hcris$price) ``` ``` ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 340.8 6129.9 8705.4 9646.9 11905.4 97688.8 ``` ```r plot(density(final.hcris$price)) ``` <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Dealing with problems We've adopted a very brute force way to deal with outlier prices. Other approaches include: 1. Investigate very closely the hospitals with extreme values 2. Winsorize at certain thresholds (replace extreme values with pre-determined thresholds) 3. Impute prices for extreme hospitals --- # Differences among penalized hospitals - Mean price among penalized hospitals: 9,896.31 - Mean price among non-penalized hospitals: 9,560.41 - Mean difference: 335.9 --- # Comparison of hospitals Are penalized hospitals sufficiently similar to non-penalized hospitals? -- <br> <br> Let's look at covariate balance using a love plot, part of the `library(cobalt)` package. --- # Love plots without adjustment ```r love.plot(,treat=lp.vars$penalty), colors="black", shapes="circle", threshold=0.1) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position="none") ``` .plot-callout[ <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/cov-balance-callout-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Love plots without adjustment <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/cov-balance-output-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Using matching to improve balance Some things to think about: - exact versus nearest neighbor - with or without ties (and how to break ties) - measure of distance --- # 1. Exact Matching ```r m.exact <- Matching::Match(Y=lp.vars$price, Tr=lp.vars$penalty, X=lp.covs, M=1, * exact=TRUE) print(m.exact) ``` ``` ## [1] NA ## attr(,"class") ## [1] "Match" ``` --- # 1. Exact Matching (on a subset) ```r lp.covs2 <- lp.covs %>% select(beds, mcaid_discharges) m.exact <- Matching::Match(Y=lp.vars$price, Tr=lp.vars$penalty, X=lp.covs2, M=1, exact=TRUE, * estimand="ATE") ``` --- # 1. Exact Matching (on a subset) ```r love.plot(, covs = lp.covs2, treat = lp.vars$penalty), threshold=0.1, grid=FALSE, sample.names=c("Unmatched", "Matched"), position="top", shapes=c("circle","triangle"), colors=c("black","blue")) + theme_bw() ``` .plot-callout[ <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-exact-callout-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 1. Exact Matching (on a subset) <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-exact-output-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (inverse variance) ```r m.nn.var <- Matching::Match(Y=lp.vars$price, Tr=lp.vars$penalty, X=lp.covs, * M=4, Weight=1, estimand="ATE")"Beds","Medicaid Discharges", "Inaptient Charges", "Medicare Discharges", "Medicare Payments")) ``` --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (inverse variance) ```r love.plot(, covs = lp.covs, treat = lp.vars$penalty), threshold=0.1,, grid=FALSE, sample.names=c("Unmatched", "Matched"), position="top", shapes=c("circle","triangle"), colors=c("black","blue")) + theme_bw() ``` .plot-callout[ <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-var-callout1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (inverse variance) <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-var-output1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (inverse variance) ```r m.nn.var2 <- Matching::Match(Y=lp.vars$price, Tr=lp.vars$penalty, X=lp.covs, * M=1, Weight=1, estimand="ATE") ``` --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (inverse variance) ```r love.plot(, covs = lp.covs, treat = lp.vars$penalty), threshold=0.1,, grid=FALSE, sample.names=c("Unmatched", "Matched"), position="top", shapes=c("circle","triangle"), colors=c("black","blue")) + theme_bw() ``` .plot-callout[ <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-var-callout2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (inverse variance) <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-var-output2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (Mahalanobis) ```r <- Matching::Match(Y=lp.vars$price, Tr=lp.vars$penalty, X=lp.covs, M=1, Weight=2, estimand="ATE") ``` --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (Mahalanobis) ```r love.plot(, covs = lp.covs, treat = lp.vars$penalty), threshold=0.1,, grid=FALSE, sample.names=c("Unmatched", "Matched"), position="top", shapes=c("circle","triangle"), colors=c("black","blue")) + theme_bw() ``` .plot-callout[ <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-md-callout1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (Mahalanobis) <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-md-output1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (propensity score) ```r logit.model <- glm(penalty ~ beds + mcaid_discharges + ip_charges + mcare_discharges + tot_mcare_payment, family=binomial, data=lp.vars) ps <- fitted(logit.model) <- Matching::Match(Y=lp.vars$price, Tr=lp.vars$penalty, X=ps, M=1, estimand="ATE") ``` --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (propensity score) ```r love.plot(, covs = lp.covs, treat = lp.vars$penalty), threshold=0.1,, grid=FALSE, sample.names=c("Unmatched", "Matched"), position="top", shapes=c("circle","triangle"), colors=c("black","blue")) + theme_bw() ``` .plot-callout[ <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-ps-callout-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 2. Nearest neighbor matching (propensity score) <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/lp-ps-output-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # 3. Weighting <img src="01-hospital-pricing3_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Results: Exact matching ``` ## ## Estimate... 1777.6 ## AI SE...... 34.725 ## T-stat..... 51.191 ## p.val...... < 2.22e-16 ## ## Original number of observations.............. 2707 ## Original number of treated obs............... 698 ## Matched number of observations............... 12 ## Matched number of observations (unweighted). 12 ## ## Number of obs dropped by 'exact' or 'caliper' 2695 ``` --- # Results: Nearest neighbor - Inverse variance ``` ## ## Estimate... -526.95 ## AI SE...... 223.06 ## T-stat..... -2.3623 ## p.val...... 0.01816 ## ## Original number of observations.............. 2707 ## Original number of treated obs............... 698 ## Matched number of observations............... 2707 ## Matched number of observations (unweighted). 2711 ``` --- # Results: Nearest neighbor - Mahalanobis ``` ## ## Estimate... -492.82 ## AI SE...... 223.55 ## T-stat..... -2.2046 ## p.val...... 0.027485 ## ## Original number of observations.............. 2707 ## Original number of treated obs............... 698 ## Matched number of observations............... 2707 ## Matched number of observations (unweighted). 2708 ``` --- # Results: Nearest neighbor - Propensity score ``` ## ## Estimate... -201.03 ## AI SE...... 275.76 ## T-stat..... -0.72898 ## p.val...... 0.46601 ## ## Original number of observations.............. 2707 ## Original number of treated obs............... 698 ## Matched number of observations............... 2707 ## Matched number of observations (unweighted). 14795 ``` --- # Results: IPW weighting ```r lp.vars <- lp.vars %>% mutate(ipw = case_when( penalty==1 ~ 1/ps, penalty==0 ~ 1/(1-ps), TRUE ~ NA_real_ )) mean.t1 <- lp.vars %>% filter(penalty==1) %>% select(price, ipw) %>% summarize(mean_p=weighted.mean(price,w=ipw)) mean.t0 <- lp.vars %>% filter(penalty==0) %>% select(price, ipw) %>% summarize(mean_p=weighted.mean(price,w=ipw)) mean.t1$mean_p - mean.t0$mean_p ``` ``` ## [1] -196.8922 ``` --- # Results: IPW weighting with regression ```r ipw.reg <- lm(price ~ penalty, data=lp.vars, weights=ipw) summary(ipw.reg) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = price ~ penalty, data = lp.vars, weights = ipw) ## ## Weighted Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -18691 -4802 -1422 2651 94137 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 9876.4 147.8 66.808 <2e-16 *** ## penaltyTRUE -196.9 211.2 -0.932 0.351 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 7829 on 2705 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.0003211, Adjusted R-squared: -4.85e-05 ## F-statistic: 0.8688 on 1 and 2705 DF, p-value: 0.3514 ``` --- # Results: Regression ```r reg1.dat <- lp.vars %>% filter(penalty==1, complete.cases(.)) reg1 <- lm(price ~ beds+ mcaid_discharges + ip_charges + mcare_discharges + tot_mcare_payment, data=reg1.dat) reg0.dat <- lp.vars %>% filter(penalty==0, complete.cases(.)) reg0 <- lm(price ~ beds + mcaid_discharges + ip_charges + mcare_discharges + tot_mcare_payment, data=reg0.dat) pred1 <- predict(reg1,new=lp.vars) pred0 <- predict(reg0,new=lp.vars) mean(pred1-pred0) ``` ``` ## [1] -5.845761 ``` --- # Results: Regression in one step ```r reg.dat <- lp.vars %>% ungroup() %>% filter(complete.cases(.)) %>% mutate(beds_diff = penalty*(beds - mean(beds)), mcaid_diff = penalty*(mcaid_discharges - mean(mcaid_discharges)), ip_diff = penalty*(ip_charges - mean(ip_charges)), mcare_diff = penalty*(mcare_discharges - mean(mcare_discharges)), mpay_diff = penalty*(tot_mcare_payment - mean(tot_mcare_payment))) reg <- lm(price ~ penalty + beds + mcaid_discharges + ip_charges + mcare_discharges + tot_mcare_payment + beds_diff + mcaid_diff + ip_diff + mcare_diff + mpay_diff, data=reg.dat) ``` --- # Results: Regression in one step ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = price ~ penalty + beds + mcaid_discharges + ip_charges + ## mcare_discharges + tot_mcare_payment + beds_diff + mcaid_diff + ## ip_diff + mcare_diff + mpay_diff, data = reg.dat) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -38175 -2900 -597 2105 67409 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 8.466e+03 1.711e+02 49.482 < 2e-16 *** ## penaltyTRUE -5.846e+00 2.124e+02 -0.028 0.97804 ## beds 1.107e+00 1.421e+00 0.779 0.43618 ## mcaid_discharges -4.714e-01 7.296e-02 -6.462 1.23e-10 *** ## ip_charges 6.426e-06 1.285e-06 5.002 6.04e-07 *** ## mcare_discharges -8.122e-01 9.257e-02 -8.774 < 2e-16 *** ## tot_mcare_payment 9.502e-05 6.858e-06 13.857 < 2e-16 *** ## beds_diff 2.517e+00 2.986e+00 0.843 0.39931 ## mcaid_diff 1.058e-01 1.570e-01 0.674 0.50050 ## ip_diff -4.534e-06 2.027e-06 -2.237 0.02539 * ## mcare_diff 4.806e-01 1.809e-01 2.657 0.00793 ** ## mpay_diff -5.452e-05 1.321e-05 -4.128 3.78e-05 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 4728 on 2695 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.2477, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2447 ## F-statistic: 80.69 on 11 and 2695 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 ``` --- # Summary of ATEs 1. Exact matching: 1777.63 2. NN matching, inverse variance: -526.95 3. NN matching, mahalanobis: -492.82 4. NN matching, pscore: -201.03 5. Inverse pscore weighting: -196.89 6. IPW regression: -196.89 7. Regression: -5.85 8. Regression 1-step: -5.85 --- # Summary of ATEs Why such large differences between linear (unweighted) regression and other approaches? -- Problem is due to common support. Without weighting, the treated group looks very different than the control group, and standard OLS (without weights) doesn't do anything to account for this. <!-- New Section --> --- class: inverse, center, middle name: summary # So what have we learned? <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # Key assumptions for causal inference 1. Selection on observables 2. Common support -- <br> <br> These become more nuanced but the intuition is the same in almost all questions of causal inference. --- # Causal effect assuming selection on observables If we assume selection on observables holds, then we only need to condition on the relevant covariates to identify a causal effect. But we still need to ensure common support...<br> -- <br> 1. Matching 2. Reweighting 3. Regression