Regression Discontinuity: Part II

Ian McCarthy | Emory University

MA Data

R Code <- read_rds(here("data/final_ma_data.rds")) <- %>%
  filter(! & year==2009 & ! #<<

Calculate raw average rating

R Code <- %>%
    na.rm=T)) %>%
  select(contractid, planid, fips, avg_enrollment, state, county, raw_rating, partc_score,
         avg_eligibles, avg_enrolled, premium_partc, risk_ab, Star_Rating,
         bid, avg_ffscost, ma_rate)

Distribution of star ratings

R Code %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=as.factor(Star_Rating))) + 
  geom_bar() +
    x="Star Rating",
    y="Count of Plans",
    title="Frequency Distribution of Star Ratings"
  ) + theme_bw()

Enrollments and star ratings

R Code

lm(formula = avg_enrollment ~ factor(Star_Rating), data =

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
  -622   -382   -202    -49  69095 

                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)               71.75      41.77   1.718  0.08589 .  
factor(Star_Rating)2      26.17      49.24   0.531  0.59513    
factor(Star_Rating)2.5   182.83      45.70   4.001 6.33e-05 ***
factor(Star_Rating)3     422.24      48.54   8.699  < 2e-16 ***
factor(Star_Rating)3.5   449.20      52.61   8.539  < 2e-16 ***
factor(Star_Rating)4     562.33      57.53   9.774  < 2e-16 ***
factor(Star_Rating)4.5   266.88      83.96   3.179  0.00148 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1503 on 18979 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.01415,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.01384 
F-statistic: 45.41 on 6 and 18979 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


  • Certainly not the effect of a higher rating…
  • Lots of things unobserved, like
    • actual quality
    • perceived quality
    • prices

Effect of 3-star rating

ma.rd1 <- %>%
  filter(Star_Rating==2 | Star_Rating==2.5)
ma.rd1 %>% ggplot(aes(x=raw_rating)) + 
  geom_bar(width=.025) + theme_bw() +
    x="Running Variable",
    y="Number of Plans",
    title="Distribution of Raw Scores"

Note about scores

CMS does more than just an average…

  • variance across individual metrics
  • high variance is punished, low variance rewarded

RD estimates

R Code
ma.rd1 <- ma.rd1 %>%
  mutate(score = raw_rating - 2.25,
         treat = (score>=0),
         window1 = (score>=-.175 & score<=.175),
         window2 = (score>=-.125 & score<=.125),
         mkt_share = avg_enrollment/avg_eligibles,
         ln_share = log(mkt_share),
star25.1 <- lm(mkt_share ~ score + treat, data=ma.rd1)
star25.2 <- lm(mkt_share ~ score + treat, data= (ma.rd1 %>% filter(window1==TRUE)))
star25.3 <- lm(mkt_share ~ score + treat + score_treat, data= (ma.rd1 %>% filter(window1==TRUE)))
star25.4 <- lm(mkt_share ~ score + treat + score_treat, data= (ma.rd1 %>% filter(window2==TRUE)))
est1 <- as.numeric(star25.1$coef[3])
est2 <- as.numeric(star25.2$coef[3])
est3 <- as.numeric(star25.3$coef[3])
est4 <- as.numeric(star25.4$coef[3])

rows <- tribble(~term, ~ m1, ~ m2, ~ m3 , ~ m4,
                'Bandwidth', "0.25", "0.175", "0.175", "0.125")
attr(rows, 'position')  <- 7

modelsummary(list(star25.1, star25.2, star25.3, star25.4),
          keep=c("score", "treatTRUE", "score_treat"),
          coef_map=c("score"="Raw Score", 
                    "score_treat"="Score x Treat"),
          gof_map=c("nobs", "r.squared"),
 (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)
Raw Score 0.040 −0.044 −0.059 −0.074
(0.002) (0.009) (0.011) (0.012)
Treatment −0.011 0.008 0.007 0.008
(0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Score x Treat 0.035 0.062
(0.017) (0.025)
Bandwidth 0.25 0.175 0.175 0.125
Num.Obs. 9913 3385 3385 3241
R2 0.053 0.008 0.009 0.012


  • OLS on full sample: -1.1% increase in market shares among 2.5-star plans versus 2-star plan
  • RD on 0.175 bandwidth: 0.8% increase when imposing constant slopes, 0.7% increase when allowing for differential slopes
  • RD on 0.125 bandwidth: 0.8% increase (again allowing for differential slopes)

Built-in RD packages

R Code
rdplot(y=ma.rd1$mkt_share, x=ma.rd1$score, binselect="es",
       title="RD Plot: Market Share", x.label="Summary Score",
       y.label="Market Share", masspoints="off")

Estimates from RD package

R Code
est1 <- rdrobust(y=ma.rd1$mkt_share, x=ma.rd1$score, c=0,
                 h=0.125, p=1, kernel="uniform", vce="hc0",
Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression.

Number of Obs.                 9913
BW type                      Manual
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                      HC0

Number of Obs.                 3327         6586
Eff. Number of Obs.            2974          267
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.125        0.125
BW bias (b)                   0.125        0.125
rho (h/b)                     1.000        1.000

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     0.008     0.002     3.268     0.001     [0.003 , 0.012]     
        Robust         -         -     5.167     0.000     [0.017 , 0.037]     

Optimal bandwidth

R Code
estopt <- rdrobust(y=ma.rd1$mkt_share, x=ma.rd1$score, c=0,
                 p=1, kernel="uniform", vce="hc0",
Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression.

Number of Obs.                 9913
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                      HC0

Number of Obs.                 3327         6586
Eff. Number of Obs.             307          142
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.060        0.060
BW bias (b)                   0.124        0.124
rho (h/b)                     0.482        0.482

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     0.023     0.004     5.462     0.000     [0.015 , 0.032]     
        Robust         -         -     4.896     0.000     [0.015 , 0.035]     

Estimates for other rating thresholds (2.25)

R Code
ma.rd225 <- %>%
  filter(Star_Rating==2 | Star_Rating==2.5) %>%
  mutate(score = raw_rating - 2.25,
         treat = (score>=0),
         window1 = (score>=-.175 & score<=.175),
         window2 = (score>=-.125 & score<=.125),
         mkt_share = avg_enrollment/avg_eligibles,
         ln_share = log(mkt_share),

est225 <- rdrobust(y=ma.rd225$mkt_share, x=ma.rd225$score, c=0,
                 h=0.125, p=1, kernel="uniform", vce="hc0",
Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression.

Number of Obs.                 9913
BW type                      Manual
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                      HC0

Number of Obs.                 3327         6586
Eff. Number of Obs.            2974          267
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.125        0.125
BW bias (b)                   0.125        0.125
rho (h/b)                     1.000        1.000

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     0.008     0.002     3.268     0.001     [0.003 , 0.012]     
        Robust         -         -     5.167     0.000     [0.017 , 0.037]     

Estimates for other rating thresholds (2.75)

R Code
ma.rd275 <- %>%
  filter(Star_Rating==2.5 | Star_Rating==3) %>%
  mutate(score = raw_rating - 2.75,
         treat = (score>=0),
         window1 = (score>=-.175 & score<=.175),
         window2 = (score>=-.125 & score<=.125),
         mkt_share = avg_enrollment/avg_eligibles,
         ln_share = log(mkt_share),

est275 <- rdrobust(y=ma.rd275$mkt_share, x=ma.rd275$score, c=0,
                 h=0.125, p=1, kernel="uniform", vce="hc0",

Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression.

Number of Obs.                10284
BW type                      Manual
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                      HC0

Number of Obs.                 6586         3698
Eff. Number of Obs.             270         1683
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.125        0.125
BW bias (b)                   0.125        0.125
rho (h/b)                     1.000        1.000

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     0.017     0.004     4.277     0.000     [0.009 , 0.025]     
        Robust         -         -     2.554     0.011     [0.007 , 0.052]     

Estimates for other rating thresholds (3.25)

R Code
ma.rd325 <- %>%
  filter(Star_Rating==3 | Star_Rating==3.5) %>%
  mutate(score = raw_rating - 3.25,
         treat = (score>=0),
         window1 = (score>=-.175 & score<=.175),
         window2 = (score>=-.125 & score<=.125),
         mkt_share = avg_enrollment/avg_eligibles,
         ln_share = log(mkt_share),

est325 <- rdrobust(y=ma.rd325$mkt_share, x=ma.rd325$score, c=0,
                 h=0.125, p=1, kernel="uniform", vce="hc0",
Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression.

Number of Obs.                 5908
BW type                      Manual
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                      HC0

Number of Obs.                 4123         1785
Eff. Number of Obs.             914          664
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.125        0.125
BW bias (b)                   0.125        0.125
rho (h/b)                     1.000        1.000

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     0.013     0.003     3.961     0.000     [0.006 , 0.019]     
        Robust         -         -     6.899     0.000     [0.021 , 0.037]     

Estimates for other rating thresholds (3.75)

R Code
ma.rd375 <- %>%
  filter(Star_Rating==3.5 | Star_Rating==4) %>%
  mutate(score = raw_rating - 3.75,
         treat = (score>=0),
         window1 = (score>=-.175 & score<=.175),
         window2 = (score>=-.125 & score<=.125),
         mkt_share = avg_enrollment/avg_eligibles,
         ln_share = log(mkt_share),

est375 <- rdrobust(y=ma.rd375$mkt_share, x=ma.rd375$score, c=0,
                 h=0.125, p=1, kernel="uniform", vce="hc0",
Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression.

Number of Obs.                 3654
BW type                      Manual
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                      HC0

Number of Obs.                 2734          920
Eff. Number of Obs.             646          640
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.125        0.125
BW bias (b)                   0.125        0.125
rho (h/b)                     1.000        1.000

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional    -0.003     0.002    -1.255     0.210    [-0.008 , 0.002]     
        Robust         -         -    -2.096     0.036    [-0.017 , -0.001]    

Manipulation of the running variable

Manipulation of the running variable

R Code
dens225 <- rddensity(ma.rd225$score, c=0)
rdplotdensity(dens225, ma.rd225$score)

Call: lpdensity

Sample size                                      3335
Polynomial order for point estimation    (p=)    2
Order of derivative estimated            (v=)    1
Polynomial order for confidence interval (q=)    3
Kernel function                                  triangular
Scaling factor                                   0.3363599677159
Bandwidth method                                 user provided

Use summary(...) to show estimates.

Call: lpdensity

Sample size                                      6586
Polynomial order for point estimation    (p=)    2
Order of derivative estimated            (v=)    1
Polynomial order for confidence interval (q=)    3
Kernel function                                  triangular
Scaling factor                                   0.664346246973366
Bandwidth method                                 user provided

Use summary(...) to show estimates.


Manipulation of the running variable

Manipulation testing using local polynomial density estimation.

Number of obs =       9913
Model =               unrestricted
Kernel =              triangular
BW method =           estimated
VCE method =          jackknife

c = 0                 Left of c           Right of c          
Number of obs         3327                6586                
Eff. Number of obs    3327                6326                
Order est. (p)        2                   2                   
Order bias (q)        3                   3                   
BW est. (h)           0.379               0.379               

Method                T                   P > |T|             
Robust                5.6664              0                   

P-values of binomial tests (H0: p=0.5).

Window Length / 2          <c     >=c    P>|T|
0.028                     221      37    0.0000
0.056                     307     133    0.0000
0.083                     307     154    0.0000
0.111                    2968     168    0.0000
0.139                    3001     267    0.0000
0.167                    3001     280    0.0000
0.194                    3026     505    0.0000
0.222                    3037     509    0.0000
0.250                    3037    1933    0.0000
0.278                    3113    1946    0.0000

Covariate balance

R Code
match.dat <- matchit(treat~premium_partc + ma_rate, 
                     data=ma.rd225 %>% 
                     method=NULL, distance="mahalanobis")
love.plot(match.dat, abs=TRUE)                     

RD with discrete variables

  • Allow for fewer mass points
  • Assume random assignment between mass points
  • Inference using Fisher’s exact test