For the next couple of classes, we’re going to focus on the role of financial incentives. We’ll turn to the role of information barriers/heterogeneities at the end of this module
Denote the quantity of care consumed by \(x\), and denote by \(B(x)\) the function that determines the benefit of care to the patient. Assume that the patient must pay the full price of care, \(px\), so that their net benefit is \(NB=B(x)−px\). Further assume that the physician can choose both \(x\) and \(p\).
Depiction of physician agency
Assume \(B(x)=8x^{1/2}\), \(NB^{0}=2\), and \(c=1\):
First let’s re-write the constraint such that \(px = 8x^{1/2}\) and \(\pi = 8x^{1/2} - 2 - x\). The first order condition for \(x\) is then \(4x^{-1/2} -1 =0\), which is satisfied at \(x^{*}=16\). Substituting this into the constraint, \(8x^{1/2} - px=2\) yields \(p=\frac{15}{8}\).
But if they could choose on their own, the patient would prefer to maximize their net benefit. This would occur at \(4x^{-1/2}=p\), which yields \(x=(32/15)^{2} \approx 4.5\) at \(p=15/8\).
The two step approach applies when prices and quantity of care are variable. If the physician cannot set price, then we just work off of the constraint, \(B(x)-\bar{p}x=NB^{0}\).
Why? This is a corner solution…can’t just take a derivative.
Assume \(B(x)=4x^{1/2}\), \(NB^{0}=0\), anc \(c=1\). Further assume that prices are fixed administratively at, \(\bar{p}=2\). Note that, in this case, we work only off of the patient’s net benefit constraint.
An increase in the administratively set price leads to a decrease in quantity of services provided. And vice versa, a reduction in price leads to an increase in quantity provided. Why?
\[\begin{align*} b(x)\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}p} - x - p\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}p} &= 0 \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}p} = \frac{-x}{p-b(x)} &< 0. \end{align*}\]